Open-source cheminformatics and machine learning.
No Matches
Go to the documentation of this file.
2// Copyright (C) 2018-2021 Susan H. Leung and other RDKit contributors
4// @@ All Rights Reserved @@
5// This file is part of the RDKit.
6// The contents are covered by the terms of the BSD license
7// which is included in the file license.txt, found at the root
8// of the RDKit source tree.
10#include <RDGeneral/export.h>
11#ifndef RD_TAUTOMER_H
12#define RD_TAUTOMER_H
14#include <boost/function.hpp>
15#include <string>
16#include <utility>
17#include <iterator>
18#include <Catalogs/Catalog.h>
23#include <boost/dynamic_bitset.hpp>
25namespace RDKit {
26class ROMol;
27class RWMol;
29namespace MolStandardize {
31typedef RDCatalog::HierarchCatalog<TautomerCatalogEntry, TautomerCatalogParams,
32 int>
35namespace TautomerScoringFunctions {
36const std::string tautomerScoringVersion = "1.0.0";
42inline int scoreTautomer(const ROMol &mol) {
43 return scoreRings(mol) + scoreSubstructs(mol) + scoreHeteroHs(mol);
45} // namespace TautomerScoringFunctions
54class Tautomer {
55 friend class TautomerEnumerator;
57 public:
58 Tautomer() : d_numModifiedAtoms(0), d_numModifiedBonds(0), d_done(false) {}
59 Tautomer(ROMOL_SPTR t, ROMOL_SPTR k, size_t a = 0, size_t b = 0)
60 : tautomer(std::move(t)),
61 kekulized(std::move(k)),
62 d_numModifiedAtoms(a),
63 d_numModifiedBonds(b),
64 d_done(false) {}
68 private:
69 size_t d_numModifiedAtoms;
70 size_t d_numModifiedBonds;
71 bool d_done;
74typedef std::map<std::string, Tautomer> SmilesTautomerMap;
75typedef std::pair<std::string, Tautomer> SmilesTautomerPair;
77//! Contains results of tautomer enumeration
79 friend class TautomerEnumerator;
81 public:
83 public:
85 typedef std::ptrdiff_t difference_type;
86 typedef const ROMol *pointer;
87 typedef const ROMOL_SPTR &reference;
88 typedef std::bidirectional_iterator_tag iterator_category;
90 explicit const_iterator(const SmilesTautomerMap::const_iterator &it)
91 : d_it(it) {}
92 reference operator*() const { return d_it->second.tautomer; }
93 pointer operator->() const { return d_it->second.tautomer.get(); }
94 bool operator==(const const_iterator &other) const {
95 return (d_it == other.d_it);
96 }
97 bool operator!=(const const_iterator &other) const {
98 return !(*this == other);
99 }
101 const_iterator copy(d_it);
102 operator++();
103 return copy;
104 }
106 ++d_it;
107 return *this;
108 }
110 const_iterator copy(d_it);
111 operator--();
112 return copy;
113 }
115 --d_it;
116 return *this;
117 }
119 private:
120 SmilesTautomerMap::const_iterator d_it;
121 };
124 : d_tautomers(other.d_tautomers),
125 d_status(other.d_status),
126 d_modifiedAtoms(other.d_modifiedAtoms),
127 d_modifiedBonds(other.d_modifiedBonds) {
128 fillTautomersItVec();
129 }
130 const const_iterator begin() const {
131 return const_iterator(d_tautomers.begin());
132 }
133 const const_iterator end() const { return const_iterator(d_tautomers.end()); }
134 size_t size() const { return d_tautomers.size(); }
135 bool empty() const { return d_tautomers.empty(); }
136 const ROMOL_SPTR &at(size_t pos) const {
137 PRECONDITION(pos < d_tautomers.size(), "index out of bounds");
138 return d_tautomersItVec.at(pos)->second.tautomer;
139 }
140 const ROMOL_SPTR &operator[](size_t pos) const { return at(pos); }
141 const boost::dynamic_bitset<> &modifiedAtoms() const {
142 return d_modifiedAtoms;
143 }
144 const boost::dynamic_bitset<> &modifiedBonds() const {
145 return d_modifiedBonds;
146 }
147 TautomerEnumeratorStatus status() const { return d_status; }
148 std::vector<ROMOL_SPTR> tautomers() const {
149 std::vector<ROMOL_SPTR> tautomerVec;
150 tautomerVec.reserve(d_tautomers.size());
151 std::transform(
152 d_tautomers.begin(), d_tautomers.end(), std::back_inserter(tautomerVec),
153 [](const SmilesTautomerPair &t) { return t.second.tautomer; });
154 return tautomerVec;
155 }
156 std::vector<ROMOL_SPTR> operator()() const { return tautomers(); }
157 std::vector<std::string> smiles() const {
158 std::vector<std::string> smilesVec;
159 smilesVec.reserve(d_tautomers.size());
160 std::transform(d_tautomers.begin(), d_tautomers.end(),
161 std::back_inserter(smilesVec),
162 [](const SmilesTautomerPair &t) { return t.first; });
163 return smilesVec;
164 }
165 const SmilesTautomerMap &smilesTautomerMap() const { return d_tautomers; }
167 private:
168 void fillTautomersItVec() {
169 for (auto it = d_tautomers.begin(); it != d_tautomers.end(); ++it) {
170 d_tautomersItVec.push_back(it);
171 }
172 }
173 // the enumerated tautomers
174 SmilesTautomerMap d_tautomers;
175 // internal; vector of iterators into map items to enable random
176 // access to map items by index
177 std::vector<SmilesTautomerMap::const_iterator> d_tautomersItVec;
178 // status of the enumeration: did it complete? did it hit a limit?
179 // was it canceled?
180 TautomerEnumeratorStatus d_status;
181 // bit vector: flags atoms modified by the transforms
182 boost::dynamic_bitset<> d_modifiedAtoms;
183 // bit vector: flags bonds modified by the transforms
184 boost::dynamic_bitset<> d_modifiedBonds;
195 public:
197 : dp_catalog(tautCat),
198 d_maxTautomers(1000),
199 d_maxTransforms(1000),
200 d_removeSp3Stereo(true),
201 d_removeBondStereo(true),
202 d_removeIsotopicHs(true),
203 d_reassignStereo(true) {}
206 : dp_catalog(other.dp_catalog),
207 d_callback(other.d_callback),
208 d_maxTautomers(other.d_maxTautomers),
209 d_maxTransforms(other.d_maxTransforms),
210 d_removeSp3Stereo(other.d_removeSp3Stereo),
211 d_removeBondStereo(other.d_removeBondStereo),
212 d_removeIsotopicHs(other.d_removeIsotopicHs),
213 d_reassignStereo(other.d_reassignStereo) {}
215 if (this == &other) {
216 return *this;
217 }
218 dp_catalog = other.dp_catalog;
219 d_callback = other.d_callback;
220 d_maxTautomers = other.d_maxTautomers;
221 d_maxTransforms = other.d_maxTransforms;
222 d_removeSp3Stereo = other.d_removeSp3Stereo;
223 d_removeBondStereo = other.d_removeBondStereo;
224 d_removeIsotopicHs = other.d_removeIsotopicHs;
225 d_reassignStereo = other.d_reassignStereo;
226 return *this;
227 }
228 //! \param maxTautomers maximum number of tautomers to be generated
229 void setMaxTautomers(unsigned int maxTautomers) {
230 d_maxTautomers = maxTautomers;
231 }
232 //! \return maximum number of tautomers to be generated
233 unsigned int getMaxTautomers() { return d_maxTautomers; }
234 /*! \param maxTransforms maximum number of transformations to be applied
235 this limit is usually hit earlier than the maxTautomers limit
236 and leads to a more linear scaling of CPU time with increasing
237 number of tautomeric centers (see Sitzmann et al.)
238 */
239 void setMaxTransforms(unsigned int maxTransforms) {
240 d_maxTransforms = maxTransforms;
241 }
242 //! \return maximum number of transformations to be applied
243 unsigned int getMaxTransforms() { return d_maxTransforms; }
244 /*! \param removeSp3Stereo; if set to true, stereochemistry information
245 will be removed from sp3 atoms involved in tautomerism.
246 This means that S-aminoacids will lose their stereochemistry after going
247 through tautomer enumeration because of the amido-imidol tautomerism.
248 This defaults to true in RDKit, false in the workflow described
249 by Sitzmann et al.
250 */
251 void setRemoveSp3Stereo(bool removeSp3Stereo) {
252 d_removeSp3Stereo = removeSp3Stereo;
253 }
254 /*! \return whether stereochemistry information will be removed from
255 sp3 atoms involved in tautomerism
256 */
257 bool getRemoveSp3Stereo() { return d_removeSp3Stereo; }
258 /*! \param removeBondStereo; if set to true, stereochemistry information
259 will be removed from double bonds involved in tautomerism.
260 This means that enols will lose their E/Z stereochemistry after going
261 through tautomer enumeration because of the keto-enolic tautomerism.
262 This defaults to true in RDKit and also in the workflow described
263 by Sitzmann et al.
264 */
265 void setRemoveBondStereo(bool removeBondStereo) {
266 d_removeBondStereo = removeBondStereo;
267 }
268 /*! \return whether stereochemistry information will be removed from
269 double bonds involved in tautomerism
270 */
271 bool getRemoveBondStereo() { return d_removeBondStereo; }
272 /*! \param removeIsotopicHs; if set to true, isotopic Hs
273 will be removed from centers involved in tautomerism.
274 */
275 void setRemoveIsotopicHs(bool removeIsotopicHs) {
276 d_removeIsotopicHs = removeIsotopicHs;
277 }
278 /*! \return whether isotpoic Hs will be removed from
279 centers involved in tautomerism
280 */
281 bool getRemoveIsotopicHs() { return d_removeIsotopicHs; }
282 /*! \param reassignStereo; if set to true, assignStereochemistry
283 will be called on each tautomer generated by the enumerate() method.
284 This defaults to true.
285 */
286 void setReassignStereo(bool reassignStereo) {
287 d_reassignStereo = reassignStereo;
288 }
289 /*! \return whether assignStereochemistry will be called on each
290 tautomer generated by the enumerate() method
291 */
292 bool getReassignStereo() { return d_reassignStereo; }
293 /*! set this to an instance of a class derived from
294 TautomerEnumeratorCallback where operator() is overridden.
295 DO NOT delete the instance as ownership of the pointer is transferred
296 to the TautomerEnumerator
297 */
299 d_callback.reset(callback);
300 }
301 /*! \return pointer to an instance of a class derived from
302 TautomerEnumeratorCallback.
303 DO NOT delete the instance as ownership of the pointer is transferred
304 to the TautomerEnumerator
305 */
306 TautomerEnumeratorCallback *getCallback() const { return d_callback.get(); }
308 //! returns a \c TautomerEnumeratorResult structure for the input molecule
309 /*!
310 The enumeration rules are inspired by the publication:
311 M. Sitzmann et al., “Tautomerism in Large Databases.”, JCAMD 24:521 (2010)
312 https://doi.org/10.1007/s10822-010-9346-4
314 \param mol: the molecule to be enumerated
316 Note: the definitions used here are that the atoms modified during
317 tautomerization are the atoms at the beginning and end of each tautomer
318 transform (the H "donor" and H "acceptor" in the transform) and the bonds
319 modified during transformation are any bonds whose order is changed during
320 the tautomer transform (these are the bonds between the "donor" and the
321 "acceptor")
323 */
326 //! Deprecated, please use the form returning a \c TautomerEnumeratorResult
327 //! instead
328 [[deprecated(
329 "please use the form returning a TautomerEnumeratorResult "
330 "instead")]] std::vector<ROMOL_SPTR>
331 enumerate(const ROMol &mol, boost::dynamic_bitset<> *modifiedAtoms,
332 boost::dynamic_bitset<> *modifiedBonds = nullptr) const;
334 //! returns the canonical tautomer from a \c TautomerEnumeratorResult
336 boost::function<int(const ROMol &mol)> scoreFunc =
337 TautomerScoringFunctions::scoreTautomer) const;
339 //! returns the canonical tautomer from an iterable of possible tautomers
340 /// When Iterable is TautomerEnumeratorResult we use the other non-templated
341 /// overload for efficiency (TautomerEnumeratorResult already has SMILES so no
342 /// need to recompute them)
343 template <class Iterable,
344 typename std::enable_if<
345 !std::is_same<Iterable, TautomerEnumeratorResult>::value,
346 int>::type = 0>
347 ROMol *pickCanonical(const Iterable &tautomers,
348 boost::function<int(const ROMol &mol)> scoreFunc =
349 TautomerScoringFunctions::scoreTautomer) const {
350 ROMOL_SPTR bestMol;
351 if (tautomers.size() == 1) {
352 bestMol = *tautomers.begin();
353 } else {
354 // Calculate score for each tautomer
355 int bestScore = std::numeric_limits<int>::min();
356 std::string bestSmiles = "";
357 for (const auto &t : tautomers) {
358 auto score = scoreFunc(*t);
360 std::cerr << " " << MolToSmiles(*t) << " " << score << std::endl;
362 if (score > bestScore) {
363 bestScore = score;
364 bestSmiles = MolToSmiles(*t);
365 bestMol = t;
366 } else if (score == bestScore) {
367 auto smiles = MolToSmiles(*t);
368 if (smiles < bestSmiles) {
369 bestSmiles = smiles;
370 bestMol = t;
371 }
372 }
373 }
374 }
375 ROMol *res = new ROMol(*bestMol);
376 static const bool cleanIt = true;
377 static const bool force = true;
378 MolOps::assignStereochemistry(*res, cleanIt, force);
380 return res;
381 }
383 //! returns the canonical tautomer for a molecule
384 /*!
385 Note that the canonical tautomer is very likely not the most stable tautomer
386 for any given conditions. The default scoring rules are designed to produce
387 "reasonable" tautomers, but the primary concern is that the results are
388 canonical: you always get the same canonical tautomer for a molecule
389 regardless of what the input tautomer or atom ordering were.
391 The default scoring scheme is inspired by the publication:
392 M. Sitzmann et al., “Tautomerism in Large Databases.”, JCAMD 24:521 (2010)
393 https://doi.org/10.1007/s10822-010-9346-4
395 */
397 boost::function<int(const ROMol &mol)> scoreFunc =
398 TautomerScoringFunctions::scoreTautomer) const;
400 boost::function<int(const ROMol &mol)> scoreFunc =
401 TautomerScoringFunctions::scoreTautomer) const;
403 private:
404 bool setTautomerStereoAndIsoHs(const ROMol &mol, ROMol &taut,
405 const TautomerEnumeratorResult &res) const;
406 std::shared_ptr<TautomerCatalog> dp_catalog;
407 std::shared_ptr<TautomerEnumeratorCallback> d_callback;
408 unsigned int d_maxTautomers;
409 unsigned int d_maxTransforms;
410 bool d_removeSp3Stereo;
411 bool d_removeBondStereo;
412 bool d_removeIsotopicHs;
413 bool d_reassignStereo;
414}; // TautomerEnumerator class
416// caller owns the pointer
418 const CleanupParameters &params) {
419 return new TautomerEnumerator(params);
421// caller owns the pointer
428} // namespace MolStandardize
429} // namespace RDKit
#define PRECONDITION(expr, mess)
Definition Invariant.h:109
A Catalog with a hierarchical structure.
Definition Catalog.h:135
virtual bool operator()(const ROMol &, const TautomerEnumeratorResult &)=0
Contains results of tautomer enumeration.
const boost::dynamic_bitset & modifiedBonds() const
const boost::dynamic_bitset & modifiedAtoms() const
TautomerEnumeratorResult(const TautomerEnumeratorResult &other)
TautomerEnumerator(const CleanupParameters &params=CleanupParameters())
std::vector< ROMOL_SPTR > enumerate(const ROMol &mol, boost::dynamic_bitset<> *modifiedAtoms, boost::dynamic_bitset<> *modifiedBonds=nullptr) const
ROMol * pickCanonical(const TautomerEnumeratorResult &tautRes, boost::function< int(const ROMol &mol)> scoreFunc=TautomerScoringFunctions::scoreTautomer) const
returns the canonical tautomer from a TautomerEnumeratorResult
TautomerEnumeratorCallback * getCallback() const
ROMol * canonicalize(const ROMol &mol, boost::function< int(const ROMol &mol)> scoreFunc=TautomerScoringFunctions::scoreTautomer) const
returns the canonical tautomer for a molecule
void canonicalizeInPlace(RWMol &mol, boost::function< int(const ROMol &mol)> scoreFunc=TautomerScoringFunctions::scoreTautomer) const
TautomerEnumeratorResult enumerate(const ROMol &mol) const
returns a TautomerEnumeratorResult structure for the input molecule
TautomerEnumerator & operator=(const TautomerEnumerator &other)
void setCallback(TautomerEnumeratorCallback *callback)
TautomerEnumerator(const TautomerEnumerator &other)
void setMaxTransforms(unsigned int maxTransforms)
void setMaxTautomers(unsigned int maxTautomers)
ROMol * pickCanonical(const Iterable &tautomers, boost::function< int(const ROMol &mol)> scoreFunc=TautomerScoringFunctions::scoreTautomer) const
Tautomer(ROMOL_SPTR t, ROMOL_SPTR k, size_t a=0, size_t b=0)
RWMol is a molecule class that is intended to be edited.
Definition RWMol.h:32
Definition export.h:337
RDKIT_MOLSTANDARDIZE_EXPORT int scoreHeteroHs(const ROMol &mol)
RDKIT_MOLSTANDARDIZE_EXPORT int scoreSubstructs(const ROMol &mol)
RDKIT_MOLSTANDARDIZE_EXPORT int scoreRings(const ROMol &mol)
RDKIT_MOLSTANDARDIZE_EXPORT const TautomerTransformDefs defaultTautomerTransformsv1
std::map< std::string, Tautomer > SmilesTautomerMap
TautomerEnumerator * tautomerEnumeratorFromParams(const CleanupParameters &params)
TautomerEnumerator * getV1TautomerEnumerator()
RDCatalog::HierarchCatalog< TautomerCatalogEntry, TautomerCatalogParams, int > TautomerCatalog
std::pair< std::string, Tautomer > SmilesTautomerPair
Std stuff.
bool rdvalue_is(const RDValue_cast_t)
boost::shared_ptr< ROMol > ROMOL_SPTR