rdkit.Chem.TemplateAlign module

rdkit.Chem.TemplateAlign.AlignMolToTemplate2D(mol, template, match=None, clearConfs=False, templateConfId=-1)


  • mol: the molecule to be aligned

  • template: the template to align to

  • match: If provided, this should be a sequence of integers

    containing the indices of the atoms in mol that match those in template. This is the result of calling:


  • clearConfs: toggles removing any existing conformers on mol

Returns the confId of the conformer containing the depiction

>>> patt = Chem.MolFromSmiles('C1CC1')
>>> rdDepictor.Compute2DCoords(patt)
>>> mol = Chem.MolFromSmiles('OC1CC1CC1CCC1')
>>> rdDepictor.Compute2DCoords(mol)
>>> pc = patt.GetConformer(0)
>>> mc = mol.GetConformer(0)

We start out with the molecules not aligned:

>>> vs = [abs(pc.GetAtomPosition(i).x-mc.GetAtomPosition(i+1).x) for i in range(pc.GetNumAtoms())]
>>> [x<1e-4 for x in vs]
[False, False, False]

But then we can replace the conformer of mol:

>>> AlignMolToTemplate2D(mol,patt,clearConfs=True)
>>> mol.GetNumConformers()
>>> pc = patt.GetConformer(0)
>>> mc = mol.GetConformer(0)
>>> vs = [abs(pc.GetAtomPosition(i).x-mc.GetAtomPosition(i+1).x) for i in range(pc.GetNumAtoms())]
>>> [x<1e-4 for x in vs]
[True, True, True]

If we like, we can specify the atom map explicitly in order to align to the second matching ring in the probe molecule:

>>> match = (5,6,7)
>>> AlignMolToTemplate2D(mol,patt,clearConfs=True,match=match)
>>> mol.GetNumConformers()
>>> pc = patt.GetConformer(0)
>>> mc = mol.GetConformer(0)
>>> vs = [abs(pc.GetAtomPosition(i).x-mc.GetAtomPosition(i+1).x) for i in range(pc.GetNumAtoms())]
>>> [x<1e-4 for x in vs]
[False, False, False]
>>> vs = [abs(pc.GetAtomPosition(i).x-mc.GetAtomPosition(i+5).x) for i in range(pc.GetNumAtoms())]
>>> [x<1e-4 for x in vs]
[True, True, True]