rdkit.ML.InfoTheory.entropy module

Informational Entropy functions

The definitions used are the same as those in Tom Mitchell’s book “Machine Learning”


Calculates the informational entropy of a set of results.


results is a 1D Numeric array containing the number of times a given set hits each possible result. For example, if a function has 3 possible results, and the

variable in question hits them 5, 6 and 1 times each, results would be [5,6,1]


the informational entropy


calculates the information gain for a variable


varMat is a Numeric array with the number of possible occurrences

of each result for reach possible value of the given variable.

So, for a variable which adopts 4 possible values and a result which

has 3 possible values, varMat would be 4x3


The expected information gain