Open-source cheminformatics and machine learning.
No Matches
ChemTransforms.h File Reference
#include <RDGeneral/export.h>
#include <boost/smart_ptr.hpp>
#include <vector>
#include <iostream>
#include <GraphMol/Substruct/SubstructMatch.h>
#include "MolFragmenter.h"

Go to the source code of this file.


namespace  RDKit
 Std stuff.
namespace  RDKit::details


C++11 Iterators

ROMol is a molecule class that is intended to have a fixed topology

This is the primary class for most molecule operations.

If you need to be manipulating the molecule (e.g. adding or deleting atoms or bonds, use an RWMol instead.


  • each ROMol maintains a Dict of properties:
    • Each property is keyed by name and can store an arbitrary type.
    • Properties can be marked as calculated, in which case they will be cleared when the clearComputedProps() method is called.
    • Because they have no impact upon chemistry, all property operations are const, this allows extra flexibility for clients who need to store extra data on ROMol objects.
  • each ROMol has collections of bookmarks for Atoms and Bonds:
    • the Atom bookmarks and Bond bookmarks are stored separately from each other
    • each bookmark, an integer, can map to more than one Atom or Bond
    • these are currently used in molecule construction, but could also be useful for reaction mapping and the like
  • information about rings (SSSR and the like) is stored in the molecule's RingInfo pointer.
typedef boost::shared_ptr< ROMolRDKit::ROMOL_SPTR


RDKIT_CHEMTRANSFORMS_EXPORT ROMolRDKit::deleteSubstructs (const ROMol &mol, const ROMol &query, bool onlyFrags=false, bool useChirality=false)
 Returns a copy of an ROMol with the atoms and bonds that match a pattern removed.
RDKIT_CHEMTRANSFORMS_EXPORT std::vector< ROMOL_SPTRRDKit::replaceSubstructs (const ROMol &mol, const ROMol &query, const ROMol &replacement, bool replaceAll=false, unsigned int replacementConnectionPoint=0, bool useChirality=false)
 Returns a list of copies of an ROMol with the atoms and bonds that match a pattern replaced with the atoms contained in another molecule.
RDKIT_CHEMTRANSFORMS_EXPORT ROMolRDKit::replaceSidechains (const ROMol &mol, const ROMol &coreQuery, bool useChirality=false)
 Returns a copy of an ROMol with the atoms and bonds that don't fall within a substructure match removed.
RDKIT_CHEMTRANSFORMS_EXPORT ROMolRDKit::replaceCore (const ROMol &mol, const ROMol &core, const MatchVectType &matchVect, bool replaceDummies=true, bool labelByIndex=false, bool requireDummyMatch=false)
 Returns a copy of an ROMol with the atoms and bonds that are referenced by the MatchVector removed. MatchVector must be defined between mol and the specified core.
RDKIT_CHEMTRANSFORMS_EXPORT ROMolRDKit::replaceCore (const ROMol &mol, const ROMol &coreQuery, bool replaceDummies=true, bool labelByIndex=false, bool requireDummyMatch=false, bool useChirality=false)
 Returns a copy of an ROMol with the atoms and bonds that do fall within a substructure match removed.
RDKIT_CHEMTRANSFORMS_EXPORT ROMolRDKit::MurckoDecompose (const ROMol &mol)
 Carries out a Murcko decomposition on the molecule provided.
RDKIT_CHEMTRANSFORMS_EXPORT ROMolRDKit::combineMols (const ROMol &mol1, const ROMol &mol2, RDGeom::Point3D offset=RDGeom::Point3D(0, 0, 0))
 Combined two molecules to create a new one.
RDKIT_CHEMTRANSFORMS_EXPORT void RDKit::addRecursiveQueries (ROMol &mol, const std::map< std::string, ROMOL_SPTR > &queries, const std::string &propName, std::vector< std::pair< unsigned int, std::string > > *reactantLabels=nullptr)
 Adds named recursive queries to a molecule's atoms based on atom labels.
RDKIT_CHEMTRANSFORMS_EXPORT void RDKit::parseQueryDefFile (const std::string &filename, std::map< std::string, ROMOL_SPTR > &queryDefs, bool standardize=true, const std::string &delimiter="\t", const std::string &comment="//", unsigned int nameColumn=0, unsigned int smartsColumn=1)
 parses a query definition file and sets up a set of definitions suitable for use by addRecursiveQueries()
RDKIT_CHEMTRANSFORMS_EXPORT void RDKit::parseQueryDefFile (std::istream *inStream, std::map< std::string, ROMOL_SPTR > &queryDefs, bool standardize=true, const std::string &delimiter="\t", const std::string &comment="//", unsigned int nameColumn=0, unsigned int smartsColumn=1)
 This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.
RDKIT_CHEMTRANSFORMS_EXPORT void RDKit::parseQueryDefText (const std::string &queryDefText, std::map< std::string, ROMOL_SPTR > &queryDefs, bool standardize=true, const std::string &delimiter="\t", const std::string &comment="//", unsigned int nameColumn=0, unsigned int smartsColumn=1)
 equivalent to parseQueryDefFile() but the query definitions are explicitly passed in
RDKIT_CHEMTRANSFORMS_EXPORT void RDKit::details::updateSubMolConfs (const ROMol &mol, RWMol &res, boost::dynamic_bitset<> &removedAtoms)
 not recommended for use in other code
RDKIT_CHEMTRANSFORMS_EXPORT void RDKit::details::copyStereoGroups (const std::map< const Atom *, Atom * > &molAtomMap, const ROMol &mol, RWMol &newMol)